Intermittent fasting: How to Apply It for Real Weight Loss


Intermittent fasting: How to Apply It for Real Weight Loss


Here are some benefits you get from intermittent fasting:


1     It's affordable (you actually save money)

2     It's simple

3     You'll have more free time

4     It will help you live longer

5     It makes you smarter

6     It improves your mood

7     It reduces the risk of a variety of diseases


There are a few disadvantages of fasting, such as:


1     Spending more on clothing if you lose weight

2     The extra time you have when you are not cooking may be boring.

What is intermittent fasting:


- Fasting is not a diet. It's controlling your body and telling it when to eat and when it needs to avoid eating. The worst thing you can do is ask your body, "What is my body in the mood for today?" since the response will be insane. If I asked that question, the answer would probably be something unhealthy, like a donut or some M&Ms. That is applicable if you have a blood sugar issue since you will get an insane response if your blood sugar is too low or too high.

- You get control over this insanity through intermittent fasting, which is incredibly beneficial for your personal discipline and health in particularly. The one thing you must understand about intermittent fasting is that every time you eat, insulin is released. Since insulin rises not only in response to sugar and carbohydrates but also from just eating, the less frequent you eat, the less insulin is released and the more benefits you will get. 

- Because food wasn't frequently available in the past, our bodies have adapted and created a variety of genetic mechanisms for surviving without it. These genes become active when you begin fasting, whereas disease-causing genes like cancer genes become inactive.


How to Apply intermittent fasting for Real Weight Loss


Stage one:

Let's say you're eating three meals a day with three snacks in between, so you're getting a lot of insulin spikes throughout the day, and your body will suffer greatly as a result. The first stage is to quit snacking, and you continue this until you're comfortable, then you begin the second step.


Stage two:

The second stage is to skip breakfast because you are not snacking so you are not really hungry when you wake up in the morning, especially if you are doing keto, so you must let your lack of hunger in the morning dictate whether you eat or not, so let's say you eat at 12 and 6. You now have 18 hours to fast. If you want to help the situation, you can add more fat at the end of the meal, such as:

-      Avocado

-      Philemon nuts like macadamia nuts or pecans

or any sort of fat that will help you maintain a longer fast and go more easily into the following stages.


Stage three:

You can take this step, especially if you want to lose more weight, so we want to move these two meals (12&6) closer together, like in a 4 hour period, so you can have your first meal at 2 o'clock instead of 12 and your second meal at 6 o'clock, which will be even better for fat loss, and then move on to the next stage when you feel comfortable.


Stage four:

This phase is called the omad (one meal a day) so now we collapse these two meals as one large meal which is nutrient, dense and healthy. You are not going to get the same calories you'd get in two meals but the benefit of this is not lowering your calories but the fact that you are fasting for 23 hours a day so you would get benefits for:

-      Your immunity

-      Your brain

-      Your Anti-aging

And even more. To make a difference with your sleep and a greater improvement in your blood sugar and insulin and insulin resistance it's better to take that last meal no later than 3 P.M. so it's midday because the later that you eat that can interfere with your sleep cycles. That's important because the better sleep you have the less cortisol the more growth hormone and the more fat burning. To improve the results you can add exercise.


Stage five:

So in the last stage you can add every week or two weeks a 48 hour fast or a 72 hour fast which is a three day fast or even a 120 hour fast which is a five day fast which can be unbelievable for your immune system and especially if you want to prevent cancer


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